Now, please allow me to stick my foot in my mouth... Athens was beautiful, and Georgia's campus was no exception. Everything was in walking distance... We found a great little restaurant called The Grill; Good food, good service and a great variety on the menu to accommodate everyone's pallet. We searched forever for a local coffee shop, but ended up settling on Starbucks. Of course, as soon as we finished our lattes we found a Jittery Joe's. Damn, maybe next time.
Now as far as the actual campus goes, it's hard to tell where this little town ends and the campus begins. It was MASSIVE. The buildings were gorgeous, there were small gardens and cemeteries are every corner, there was a history lesson within every building. And as much as it KILLS me, the Techie, to say this... Stanford Stadium was, to say the least, impressive.
Now as far as the play goes... Amazing doesn't even begin to cut it. Standing guard of The Classic Center is a statue of Athena, The Goddess of Wisdom.
The play ran through just about ever scene in the movie, but everything was changed up just a small bit. Of course it was, it IS a musical. These little changes kept everything fresh, so you never knew exactly what was coming up next. They included songs from The Life of Brian and The Meaning of Life. AND, the icing on the cake, Eric Idol is the voice over for God.
Now, I'm not going to go into much more detail about the show, or else it will spoil it for anyone else who wants to see it. But if you are a Monty Python enthusiast such as myself, I highly recommend seeing it.
Those are my tickets :)
Bye, friends.
Definitely something ill always remember between us.